Shivrani Somaia
Top Albums
Love You Maa - Mother's Day Special
- Shivrani Somaia, Teenu Arora, Swapnil Mistry, Traditional, Dhiren Raichura, Laxmi Narayan
Happy Mother's Day
- Shivrani Somaia, Teenu Arora, Swapnil Mistry, Traditional, Dhiren Raichura, Laxmi Narayan
Meri Maa - Mother'S Day Special
- Various Artists
Celebrating Women's Day
- Various Artists
Naari - Celebrating Womanhood
- Various Artists
Maai Ri - Celebrating Mother's Day
- Various Artists
Sakhi - Women's Day Special
- Various Artists
About Shivrani Somaia
Listen to Shivrani Somaia songs online. Download top songs of Shivrani Somaia like Maai Ri, Maai Ri, Maai Ri, Maai Ri and Maai Ri.