Sandeep Shinde
Featured In
Top Albums
Bhim Geete (DJ Mix)
- Milind Shinde
D.J. Marathi Danaka Remixcha Tadka
- Various Artists
D.J. Hungama Marathi
- Various Artists
Dhamal Lokgeet (D.J. Remix)
- Various Artists
Tula Bhimaanam Banvla Vaagh
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde, Adarsh Shinde
Saalin Cinema Davla (Dhammal Lokgeete)
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Bhima Tu Ugdile Manvteeche Dwar
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Ban Sevak Samajacha
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde, Madhuur Shinde, Mayur Shinde
Tuzi Ghagar Nalala Lav
- Vijay Sartape
Laal Divyachya Gaadila
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde, Various Artists
Eka Gharaat Ya Re
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Saalin Cinema Daavla
- Harshad Shinde
Bheemache Goandhaki
- Harshad Shinde
Bhimachi Por
- Various Artists
75 Non Stop Dhamal Lagngeet Shetkari Navra Hawa D.J.
- Various Artists
Raatri Barala Doghancha Jupla
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Hwaa Samm Buddh
- Madhu Redkar
Bheemache Gondhli
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Kombda D.J. Remix
- Various Artists
Non Stop 30 Chala Dhamal Nachuya
- Various Artists
Vha Samm Buddh (Bheem Budh Geete)
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Karavaline Dhakka Marila
- Various Artists
De Batti De Batti
- Various Artists
Bhima Tu Ugdile Manvteeche Dwar
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Naad Khula Top 10 Marathi D.J. Mix
- Various Artists
D.J. Mix Masala
- Various Artists
Tujhya Khindit Haay Mala Deshil Kay
- Ashok Waingankar
Maja Navsacha Kombda
- Various Artists
Dhammachakra Pravartan Din - Dikshabhumi Bhimgeete
- Anand Shinde, Adarsh Shinde, Neha Rajpal, Pralhad Shinde
Premaat Tuzya
- Suresh Sambal, Yusuf Birajdar, Rahul Survase
Bhim Jayanti Special Top 10 Bhim Geete
- Anand Shinde, Deepali Dubey, Milind Shinde, Pralhad Shinde
Top 10 Bhimgeete - Kohinoor Hira
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde, Arun Ingle, Suhasini, Asavari Vaykul
Bhim Jayanti Special - Top 10 Bhimgeete
- Anand Shinde, Milind Shinde
Latest Release
Bhava Lay Kadak Pakharu Ghaval
By Soha Khadse, Dattatreya Shinde, Sandeep Shinde
Released 20 Feb 2025
About Sandeep Shinde
Listen to Sandeep Shinde songs online. Download top songs of Sandeep Shinde like Bhim Nagar Jhalay Ga, Bhiman Bhal Kel, Bhimnagar Jhalai Ga, Master Shikavito (Kadubai Kharat) and Bhim Majha Kohinoor Hira.