Samarjit Das
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Top Albums
Nale Jhole Dumdum Khadya Mela
- Ananya, Silajit
Just Across The River
- Anurup Mallick, Shreyasee Chatterjee, Madhuraa Bhattacharya
Nale Jhole Dumdum Khadya Mela
- Samarjit Das, Ananya, Silajit
Pagla Hawa
- Various Artists
About Samarjit Das
Listen to Samarjit Das songs online. Download top songs of Samarjit Das like Amaro Porano Jaha Chay, Nale Jhole Female, Saat Sure Saat Ronge, Amay Dubailire Amay Bhashailire and Kahanwa Mano O Radharani.