Robin Chattopadhyay
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- Robin Chattopadhyay, Pratima Bandyopadhyay, Sandhya Mukhopadhyay
Sonar Gaan Vol. 1
- Srikumar Chattopadhyay
- Robin Chattopadhyay
Aar To Chinta Nai Re
- Anup Ghoshal
Barir Kachhe Arshinagar
- Hemant Kumar
Tumi Je Amar-Tribute To Suchitra Sen
- Rima Mukherjee, Goutam Ghosh
Durlov Vol. 3
- Hemant Kumar
Shotoborshe Dhananjay Bhattacharya Vol. 2
- Dhananjay Bhattacharya
Durlov Vol. 3
- Sandhya Mukherjee
Katha Chilo
- Robin Chattopadhyay
Durlov Vol. 2
- Sandhya Mukherjee
Durlov Vol. 1
- Sandhya Mukherjee
Baishe Shrabon
- Suchitra Mitra, Dhananjay Bhattacharya, Chinmoy Chatterjee
Abismaraniyo Bechu Dutta
- Bechu Dutta