Rishi Shastri
About Rishi Shastri
Listen to Rishi Shastri songs online. Download top songs of Rishi Shastri like Aye Jaiyo Maat Bhawani, Lal Dhwaja Lehraye, Chalo Dilli, Bewafa Dhokha De Gayi and Pyar Kar Pachhtave Janu Har Pal Yaad Satave.
Listen to Rishi Shastri songs online. Download top songs of Rishi Shastri like Aye Jaiyo Maat Bhawani, Lal Dhwaja Lehraye, Chalo Dilli, Bewafa Dhokha De Gayi and Pyar Kar Pachhtave Janu Har Pal Yaad Satave.