11Strings for Pets Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
22Companion Guitar Tracks Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
33Relaxing String Harmony Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
44Guitar’s Soft Tones Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
55Guitar for Companions Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
66Soothing Guitar Moments The Holiday Guitar Ensemble, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Comfort for Pets: Gentle Guitar SoundsPro Only
77Pet Guitar Harmony The Holiday Guitar Ensemble, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Comfort for Pets: Gentle Guitar SoundsPro Only
88Guitar for Companions The Holiday Guitar Ensemble, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Comfort for Pets: Gentle Guitar SoundsPro Only
99Companion Guitar Melodies Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
1010Loving Guitar Strums Jazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsPro Only
Companion Notes: Relaxation with Guitar Music for PetsJazz Guitar Collection, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe
Comfort for Pets: Gentle Guitar SoundsThe Holiday Guitar Ensemble, Music for Pets All-stars, Music for Pets Deluxe