Mukesh Mastana Nishad
Top Albums
Tor Mai Chalawe Watsap
- Shiv Manmohi, Mukesh Mastana Nishad
Mor Dehiya Ke Kaile Durgati
- Shiv Manmohi, Mukesh Mastana Nishad, Prabha Raj
Kawana Ke Debu Pahile
- Mukesh Mastana Nishad, Santosh Vishwakarma
About Mukesh Mastana Nishad
Listen to Mukesh Mastana Nishad songs online. Download top songs of Mukesh Mastana Nishad like Chumma Kene Se Leba, Dhodhiye Me Chhed Ke, Bhail Dupahari, Mor Dehiya Ke Kaile Durgati and Rang Border Per Kheliha.