Kuttan Pillai
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Top Albums
Rathri Vandi
- M.S. Baburaj
Bheekara Nimishangal
- Baburaj
Ezhu Rathrikal
- Salil Chowdhury, Santha P. Nair
Rathri Vandi
- M.S. Baburaj
Evergreen Madhu
- Various Artists
A Music Harmony - Salil Chowdhury
- Salil Chowdhury
Golden Hour - Salil Chowdhury
- Salil Chowdhury
God's Own Country - Memorable Hits
- Salil Chowdhury
Legends Vayalar - Vol. 4
- Vayalar
Hits Of P. Leela
- P. Leela
Musical Journey Of M.S. Baburaj
- Various Artists
Philosophy Forever - Malayalam
- Various Artists
Maestros - Salil Chowdhury The Legend Vol. 1
- Salil Chowdhury
Expressio - Sad Melodies
- Various Artists
- Salil Chowdhury