Gurmel Dhillon
Top Albums
Kehdi Gallon Pasa Watt Gayi
- Major Rajasthani
Kutt Dun Chhade Nu Faddke
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Pai Ke Wass Bigaane
- Major Rajasthani
Kutt Dun Chhade Nu Faddke
- Muhammad Sadiq, Ranjeet Kaur
Kehdi Gallon Pasa Watt Gayi
- Major Rajasthani, Surpreet Soni
Pai Ke Wass Bigaane
- Major Rajasthani, Surpreet Soni
About Gurmel Dhillon
Listen to Gurmel Dhillon songs online. Download top songs of Gurmel Dhillon like Hik Utte Sap Let De, Tainu Morni Kahan Saare, Saun Mahina Pyar Jagda, Tere Gall Vich Gaani and Saun Mahina Pyar Jagda.