Govind Salvi
About Govind Salvi
Listen to Govind Salvi songs online. Download top songs of Govind Salvi like खडे लगाई ये देर भवानी खडे लगाई ये देर, Janu Maro Dil Mang, Dil Tod Yo Daga Baj Janudi and Janu Ne Peso Ke Khatir Aasik Ko Choda.
Listen to Govind Salvi songs online. Download top songs of Govind Salvi like खडे लगाई ये देर भवानी खडे लगाई ये देर, Janu Maro Dil Mang, Dil Tod Yo Daga Baj Janudi and Janu Ne Peso Ke Khatir Aasik Ko Choda.