Gopi Krishna
Featured In
Top Albums
- Gopi Krishna
Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baje
- Vasant Desai
- S.V. Mallik Teja
Pooja Ke Phool
- Madan Mohan
- Gopi Krishna
Dance Music Classical Gopi Krishna
- Gopi Krishna
Ram Rajya
- Vasant Desai
Crazy Boys
- Gopi Krishna, Pamda, Mahesh, V. Manohar
Amar Jyoti
- Vasant Desai
Nai Zindagi
- Chitragupta
Super Hit Selected Enne Songs Collection
- Various Artists
Na Tum Hamen Jano - Hemant Kumar SPl
- Lata Mangeshkar, Hemant Kumar
Surili Jodi Hemant Kumar And Lata Mnageshkar
- Lata Mangeshkar, Hemant Kumar
Easy Listening - Hemant Kumar
- Lata Mangeshkar, Hemant Kumar
Naach Ghar
- N. Dutta
Sandalwood Old Superhits
- Various Artists
Magic Moments - Hemant Kumar
- Lata Mangeshkar, Hemant Kumar
Melody Voice Anuradha Bhat Hits
- Anuradha Bhat
About Gopi Krishna
Listen to Gopi Krishna songs online. Download top songs of Gopi Krishna like Aa Thangali Beesalu, Tirugi Tirugi, Arare Ee Sparsha, Patta Pagalu and Na bujjikonda.