Manna Dey, Tarun Banerjee, Sailen Mukherjee, Adhir Bagchi, Chittapriyo Mukherjee, Kalyan Mukhopadhyay, Rajkumar Biswas, Uday Baran, Geeta Mukhopadhyay, Sumitra Roy, Banasree Seagupta, Madhuri Chatterjee, Ila Basu, Arati Mukherjee, Pratima Banerjee, Geetasree Sandhya Mukherjee
Ali Baba - Part1
Sailen Mukherjee, Adhir Bagchi, Chittapriyo Mukherjee, Kalyan Mukhopadhyay, Rajkumar Biswas, Uday Baran, Geeta Mukhopadhyay, Sumitra Roy, Banasree Seagupta, Madhuri Chatterjee, Ila Basu, Arati Mukherjee, Pratima Banerjee, Geetasree Sandhya Mukherjee, Manna Dey, Tarun Banerjee
Ali Baba - Part2
About Geeta Mukhopadhyay
Listen to Geeta Mukhopadhyay songs online. Download top songs of Geeta Mukhopadhyay like Alibaba (Opera) Part1 and Alibaba (Opera) Part2.