33Happy to Meet-Sorry to Part / The Stolen Purse / Maude Millar's Dezi Donnelly, Mike McGoldrick Dog in the FogPro Only
55The Humour's of Lissadell / The Queen of May / Sweeney's Dream Dezi Donnelly, Mike McGoldrick Dog in the FogPro Only
66The Walls of Liscaroll / Rooney's Favourite / Connaught Man's Ramble's Dezi Donnelly, Mike McGoldrick Dog in the FogPro Only
77The Galtee Rangers / Meet You Down the Station / Dog in the Fog Dezi Donnelly, Mike McGoldrick Dog in the FogPro Only
99The Killavil Jig / Fox in the Thatch / Peter O'Byrne's Fancy Dezi Donnelly, Mike McGoldrick Dog in the FogPro Only
1010An Buachaillin Dreoite / The Lark in the Morning Dezi Donnelly, Mike McGoldrick Dog in the FogPro Only