Debabrata Biswas
Artist · 3,230 Listeners
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Top Albums
Rabindra Sangeet - Debabrata Biswas
- Debabrata Biswas
- Rabindranath Tagore
Holi Special Doler Gaan
- Agniva Bandhopadhyay, Debarati Shome, Debabrata Biswas, Shyamli Das
Chirosakha Vol 2
- Various Artists
Classic Rabindra Sangeet
- Various Artists
Desher Maati
- Debabrata Biswas, Srikanta Acharya, Indrani Sen
Bangla Amar Maa
- Various Artists
Debabrata Biswasmegh Balechhe Jaba Jaba
- Debabrata Biswas
Debabrata Biswas 4 Pack
- Debabrata Biswas
Purano Sei Diner Katha - Kabi Gurur Gaane Rabindra Sangeet
- Debabrata Biswas
Tomar Ashime Pran Mon Loye - Kabi Gurur Gaane Debabrata Biswas
- Debabrata Biswas
Chokher Aloea
- Debabrata Biswas
Debabrata Biswas - Rabindranath Tagore
- Debabrata Biswas
Tumi To Sei Jabei Chole
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Sudhu Jaoa Aasa
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Tu Saath Mere - Single
- Rik Basu, Anvesha D
Udasini Beshe Bideshini Ke Se
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Tumi Dak Diyechho Kon Sakale
- Debabrata Biswas
Je Dhrubapada Diyecho Bandhi
- Debabrata Biswas
Amar Jwaleni Alo
- Debabrata Biswas
Esechhile Tabu Aso Nai
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Pathe Chole Jete Jete
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Godhuli Gagane
- Debabrata Biswas
Nibhrita Praner Debata
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Na Na Go Na
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Tomar Ashime
- Debabrata Biswas
Dinguli Mor
- Debabrata Biswas
Purano Sei Diner Katha
- Debabrata Biswas
The Classic Series - Shorone Rabindranath - 22 E Srabon
- Various Artists
Pran Bhoriye Trisha Horiye
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Klanti Amar Khoma Koro Probhu
- Debabrata Biswas
Je Kebol Paliye Beray
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Godhuligagane Meghe Dhekechhilo
- Rabindranath Tagore, Debabrata Biswas
Latest Releases
Holi Special Doler Gaan
By Agniva Bandhopadhyay, Debarati Shome, Debabrata Biswas, Shyamli Das
Released 13 Mar 2025
Smritir Chhabi
Released 25 Feb 2025
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