C.H. Atma
Featured In
Top Albums
Geet Gaaya Patharon Ne
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Jahazi Lutera
- Bulo C. Rani
Ab Chhalakte Huye Sagar
- Pt. Hridaynath Mangeshkar
Magic Moments C.H. Atma
- C.H. Atma
Bhai Saheb
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Ghazals To Remember
- Kamala Jharia, C.H. Atma
- Bulo C. Rani
Different Strokes
- Various Artists
Suraiya - Legends - Vol 4
- Suraiya
The Golden Collection - C.H. Atma
- C.H. Atma
Millennium Ghazals
- Master Madan
Dus Baje
- Keshavrao Bhole
Aagaaz - Dawn of The Legends - Music Composers
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Safarnama - Jeetendra
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Bhoole Bisre Geet - Asha Bhosle
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Bhoole Bisre Geet - Asha Bhosle - Vol. 2
- Various Artists
Legends - Asha Bhosle - The Enchantress - Vol 2
- Various Artists
G M C H Atma Aye Mere Dil
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Pare Gems C H Atma
- C.H. Atma
About C.H. Atma
Listen to C.H. Atma songs online. Download top songs of C.H. Atma like Mandve Tale Garib Ke, Ek Pal Jo Mila Hai Tujh Ko, Duniya Wale Sach Kahte Hain, Thahar Zara O Pagal Panchhi and Chalo Na Gori Machal Machal Kar - (Geet).