Bimal Trivedi
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Top Albums
Shakti The Power
- Appu
Sogand Chhe Maa Baap Na
- Maulik Maheta, Rahul Munjariya
- Archit – Rutvij, Navraj Hans, Shreyas Puranik, Rajiv Bhatt
Mane Lai Ja
- Pankaj Bhatt
SHAKTI The power
- Appu
About Bimal Trivedi
Listen to Bimal Trivedi songs online. Download top songs of Bimal Trivedi like Prem No Deewano, Raha Raha Rudiyu Rove Re, Duniya Ma Prem Kismat Thi Male Chhe, Aayo Rudo Rabari and Maro Sajan Goto Gulab No.