Bashir Ahmad
Top Albums
Kokhono Megh Kokhono Brishti
- Gazi Mazharul Anwar, Mushfiqur Rahman Gulzar, Emon Saha
Nayon Tara
- Altaf Mahmud
- Syed Shamsul Haque, Gazi Mazharul Anwar
Modhu Milon
- Various Artists
Nayon Tara
- Altaf Mahmud
About Bashir Ahmad
Listen to Bashir Ahmad songs online. Download top songs of Bashir Ahmad like Andhare Alo Hoye (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Dekona Amare Tumi, Koto Asha Chilo Mone (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Shono Kotha Shono (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) and Dekona Amare Tumi (Remake).