Atul Purohit
Artist · 2,319 Listeners
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Top Albums
ફાગણ આયો
- Atul Purohit, Himali Vora, Kairavi Buch
Maro Garbo Non Stop Garba Tran Taali
- Atul Purohit, Himali, Smita Shah
આનંદ નો ગરબો
- Atul Purohit, Himali Vora, Iqbal Meer
Maa Ni Chundadi (Gujarati Garba Songs)
- Atul Purohit
Tara Vina Shyam
- Atul Purohit
અંબા નો દરબાર
- Atul Purohit, Himali Vora, Kairavi Buch
Tara Vina Shyam - Raas Garba
- Achal Maheta, Atul Purohit
साईं वंदना
- Atul Purohit
- Atul Purohit
Bolave Radha - Non Stop Raas
- Various Artists
Tara Vina Shyam - Raas Garba
- Achal Maheta, Atul Purohit, Nisha Upadhyay
Saybo - Non Stop Garba
- Nisha Upadhyay, Achal Maheta
Bolave Radha - Non Stop Raas
- Foram Maheta, Ninad Maheta
Tara Vina Shyam - Raas Garba
- Atul Purohit, Achal Maheta, Nisha Upadhyay
Best Of Rishabh - Part - 04 (Non Stop Raas)
- Various Artists
Saybo - Non Stop Garba
- Various Artists
Best Of Rishabh - Part - 03 (Non Stop Raas)
- Atul Purohit
Saybo - Non Stop Garba
- Nisha Upadhyay, Achal Maheta, Atul Purohit
Best of Rishabh - Part - 04 (Non Stop Raas)
- Nisha Upadhyay, Atul Purohit
Best of Rishabh - Part - 03 (Non Stop Raas)
- Atul Purohit
Best of Rishabh - Part - 04 (Non Stop Raas)
- Atul Purohit, Achal Maheta, Nigam Upadhyay, Nisha Upadhyay
Best of Rishabh - Part - 03 (Non Stop Raas)
- Atul Purohit
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About Atul Purohit
Listen to Atul Purohit songs online. Download top songs of Atul Purohit like રાધા ગોરી રે, Ke Hove Hove, Rangrasiya Nonstop Raas, Vol.1, Tara Naam Ni Chudadi Odhi and Rum Jhum Jhanjhar Bole.