Anwar Khalid
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Top Albums
Student of the Year
- Vishal & Shekhar
Workout Bollywood Style: 30 Mins Non Stop Mix
- Various Artists
Workout Bollywood Style: 60 Mins Non Stop Mix
- Various Artists
Disco Deewane
- Biddu
Non-Film Gems
- Shankar Mahadevan, Sonu Nigam, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Ila Arun
Ladies Only
- Various Artists
Disco Zamana
- C. Ramchandra
Hai Dil Deewana
- Anamika
Student of the Year
- Vishal & Shekhar
Retro Bollywood Collection - Vol 1
- Various Artists
Best of Bollywood: Sunidhi Chauhan
- Sunidhi Chauhan
Musical Bond: Vishal Shekhar & Anvita Dutt
- Vishal & Shekhar
Disco Nights
- Various Artists
Meri Umar Ke Naujawano
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80s Are Back
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Avs Summer Jams
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Fm Klassics Vol2 Sizzlers
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Rewind With Pop Hits
- Various Artists
Vote For Weekend - Evergreen Dance Hits Zindabaad
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9X Jalwa Smashup # 30
- Various Artists
9XM Smashup # 999
- Various Artists
Kajol: Bollywood Darling
- Various Artists
About Anwar Khalid
Listen to Anwar Khalid songs online. Download top songs of Anwar Khalid like The Disco Song (From "Student of the Year"), Disco Deewane Part-I, The Disco Song (From "Student of the Year") (130 - 131 BPM), 9XM House of Dance Set 2.2 (DJ Shilpi Sharma) and The Disco Song (From "Student of the Year") (125 BPM).