Rajinder Nagi
Top Albums
- Various Artists
Sacha Pyar
- Raj Dhaliwal
Mithiye Mithiye
- Darshan Khella
Yaaran Dian Yaarian
- Tarsem Daroli
Virsa (Live)
- Shounky Gill, Biba Kirandeep
- Major Mehram, Kamalpreet Mattu
Beautiful Mukhde
- Various Artists
Beautiful Mukhde
- Lal-Kamal, Sukhbir, Babblu Shneyal, Bikka Manhaar, Sandeep Ahuja
Red Rose
- R. Guru, Laddi Gill, Bikka Manhaar, Rajinder Ravi, Shahrukh Dilkhush, Joy Atul, Jhande Brother
- Pamma Guru Ravinder Tina, Major Mahram, Kamalpreet Mattu
Red Rose
- Various Artists
About Rajinder Nagi
Listen to Rajinder Nagi songs online. Download top songs of Rajinder Nagi like Gallan Teriyan Te Meriyan, Charche, Jind Jaan, Gere Shere and Gabru Moge Wale.