Partha Bhattacharya
Top Albums
Best Of Lopamudra Mitra Bengali Film Songs
- Samir Chatterjee
Tumi Ele Na
- Munmun Ghosal
- Mousumi Debnath
Banalata Sen Tomay
- Anupama Deshpande
Pathway To Sanity
- Partha Bhattacharya
- Arka
- Arka, Madhu Mukhopadhyay, Saibal
Manmohan Singh Amra Danrabo Kon Khane
- Manmohan Singh, Monmahan Shing, Manmohan Das
Hajar Mukhe Bhire
- Saibal Dey
Bhaloi Aachi
- Raja Bhattacharjee
Chayanika Gems From Bengal,Vol. 2
- Sanjib Das
Bachai Kora Gaan - Lopamudra Mitra
- Lopamudra Mitra, Agantuk
Aay Ke Jabi Aay - Best Of Lopamudra Mitra
- Lopamudra Mitra, Agantuk
Chhotoder Gaan
- Various Artists
Gems From Bengal - Vol 2
- Kavita Krishnamurty
Jhor Tola Lopamudrar Gaan
- Lopamudra Mitra, Agantuk
About Partha Bhattacharya
Listen to Partha Bhattacharya songs online. Download top songs of Partha Bhattacharya like Chhele Belar Bristi, Dheu Kuchkuch, Roddur Habe Rangmashal, Chomok Shudhui Chomok and Oder Swapna Pari.