Mughal Records
Top Albums
Ya Hazart E Abbas Madad Karne Ko Aou
- Shah Abbas Mirza, Mughal Records
18 Saal Wale
- Khursheed Asri
Farsh E Aza
- Khursheed Asri
Latest Releases
Farsh E Aza
- Khursheed Asri, Mughal Records, Shah Abbas Mirza
Ya Hussain Alvida
- Mughal Records
Aye Khuda Insaf Kar
- Mughal Records, Khursheed Asri
18 Saal Wale 18 Saal Wale
- Mughal Records, Khursheed Asri
About Mughal Records
Listen to Mughal Records songs online. Download top songs of Mughal Records like Sad Akhri Mai Zainabo Sabbir Zindabad, BHARAT MATA KI JAI, Dua Kro Mere Noore Nazar Palat Aye, Tumko Rabab Godka Pala Na Milega and Aye Khuda Insaf Kar.