Kalpathi Gopal
Top Albums
Open Stage Covers - Vol 94
- Nihar Shembekar, NC Rohith, Samina, Kalpathi Gopal
Open Stage Hits - Vol 81
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 44
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 56
- Various Artists
Open Stage Covers - Vol 30
- Kaushik Roy, Subhankar Sarkhel, Sanjay Raina, Tarak Trivedi
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 30
- Bhadrayu Baxi, Kaushik Roy, Raghu Muddaraj, Rajiv Goel
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 4
- Anirban Roy, Ram Mahour, Ashutosh Kumar Tiwari, Rupak Mehta
Open Stage Hits - Vol 51
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 88
- Various Artists
Open Stage Covers - Vol 29
- Aparajita Lahiri, Manjari Banerjee, Anil Jhumkhawala, Tejinder Singh Bedi
Open Stage Hits - Vol 84
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 66
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 58
- Various Artists
Open Stage Sessions - Vol 2
- Various Artists
Open Stage Melodies - Vol 28
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 28
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 37
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 94
- Various Artists
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 5
- Prarthana Choudhury, Harsh Gandhi, Deepika, Sanjay Vasani
Open Stage Hits - Vol 55
- Various Artists
Open Stage Hits - Vol 38
- Various Artists
Open Stage Covers - Vol 40
- Pratap Bhargava, Kalpathi Gopal, Arif Akhtar, Sujit Mangeshbhai Chhaya
About Kalpathi Gopal
Listen to Kalpathi Gopal songs online. Download top songs of Kalpathi Gopal like Mere Mehboob Qayamat Hogi, Raat Kali Ek Khwab Men Aai, Musafir Hoon Yaron, Chandan Sa Badan Chanchal Chitwan and Athisaya Raagam.