Gajendra Sharma
Top Albums
Aag Lago Arab Ke Kamai
- Gajendra Sharma, Priyanka Panday
Lahariya luta ye bhauji
- Various Artists
Holi Ke Haseena
- Gajendra Sharma
Gajendra Bhail Sarabi
- Gajendra Sharma
Pashchim Tola Ke Maal Ha
- Radheshyam Rasiya, Chintu Chatkila
Mohabbat Ke Ehsas
- Gajendra Sharma, Ripali
Kuwar Me Kawan Tola
- Gajendra Sharma
Bengal Ke Paani
- Gajendra Sharma
Saiya Bihari
- Raj Nandani, Gajendra Sharma
Bhojpuri Chhath
- Gajendra Sharma, Ripali Raj, Bipin Singh
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About Gajendra Sharma
Listen to Gajendra Sharma songs online. Download top songs of Gajendra Sharma like Dil Ke Dawai Daru Ha, Saiyan Arab Gaile Na, Debo Nai Chumma, Pagali Roaweli and Tohar Dekh Ke Beauty Maro DJ Wala City.